The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, Feb. 13, 2000


NAACP seeks help in making progress

By Betty Marshall
President, Mercer County branch of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is 90 years old and the Mercer County branch is celebrating its 82nd year; and, we celebrate for those years.

They have been years of great success tempered with sadness. We acknowledge that there is much left undone and we have a difficult road to travel.

We must intensify our political strength. The simple act of registering to vote and then casting that vote would deliver so many more promises; would make so many more dreams come true. Anyone who does not vote might as well be voting against the rest of us who are trying to represent our people. This means that our potential political strength is weakened, and we must continue to increase our political activity.

We must build stronger economic power and make sure it is shared by breaking down barriers to capital and credit. We must insist that we get our fair share of every dollar spent in our own neighborhoods.

We must make sure that the education our children receive is the best education that any child can receive anywhere.

We insist on an end to police brutality and excessive use of force against people of color. We insist that the continued attack on the innocent be stopped and the guilty be brought to justice. The NAACP has made efforts to address these issues with willing hands to ensure their success. But there is seldom enough active supporters of justice. Even in the 1960s most Americans were spectators and not participants in the movement for civil rights. We want the future to be different. We want every man, woman and child to join us in the struggle for human rights, political strength, economic power and proper education for our children.

Most importantly we want your active participation in our projects and programs so that we can succeed. We want your prayers, we want your dimes, your dollars and your time. In return we promise to give it our very best, working together with you to build a stronger NAACP, a stronger community and a stronger America. Together we can build a stronger world.

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