The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, September 3, 2000


Plants, parrots, ponds perfect this paradise

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Most people have to take a vacation to a tropical island to find a little piece of paradise, but one Sharon woman just has to look out her back door.

Cindy McGowan has turned her backyard into her very own kingdom. Mrs. McGowan, who lived in Masury resident for more than 16 years, moved into her home at 415 Baldwin Ave. in October. Mrs. McGowan said she wasn’t thrilled about the move and decided to do something to make the transition easier.

"I had to make it my paradise because it was so hard moving from the other place," Mrs. McGowan said.

Hundreds of plants and flowers, including colorful hibiscus, line the property. In the center of the yard is an oasis with a Coy pond -- complete with lily pads, tikki torches and an outdoor fireplace. Chairs rest between the flora and fauna inviting visitors to stop and enjoy.

A kiddie pool has been turned into a wading pool with plants and whirlpool jets. Mrs. McGowan said she and her husband Terry aren’t the only ones enjoying the back yard and the wading pool. Mrs. McGowan has nine birds, a duck and a cat each with its own special place in the setup.

Mrs. McGowan said she has two African gray parrots, two double yellow-headed Amazon parrots, one blue and gold macaw and four umbrella cockatoos. The birds are kept in cages in the back yard, but there are also perches among the plants for the birds to sit and catch some sun.

The birds fill the yard with song and chatter. Neighbors can hear the strains of "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" or "You Are My Sunshine" coming from next door.

Mrs. McGowan said the birds love to eat the hibiscus, and even know the color of each flower. Amid the sound of free-range birds flying overhead, the parrots imitate various birds including crows, blue jays and ducks.

The birds are an important part of the McGowans’ lives. Mrs. McGowan said she even takes them to school assemblies to teach youngsters about her feathered friends.

Dylan the duck quacks and waddles around the yard, occasionally stopping to try to crane his neck over a barrier to eat the fish in the pond or to take a swim in the wading pool.

Meanwhile, Ferris the cat lounges around the bird cages. Mrs. McGowan said he never bothers the birds; as a matter of fact, Ferris "loves the birds."

Mrs. McGowan said the neighbors have taken an active interest in her property. She said the neighborhood kids have helped her all summer with her yard work. She said they often stop by to say hello to the birds.

Neighbor Rose DeSantis said it’s refreshing to have such a beautiful lawn in the neighborhood. She said she and Mrs. McGowan sat outside one evening in front of the fire just enjoying the surroundings. "It was like we were in Utopia," she said.

Mrs. DeSantis said Mrs. McGowan offered to help her work in her yard next summer.

Mrs. McGowan said she’s planning on adding more plants to the yard next year as well as a walkway with arches.

She spends a lot of time in her yard and enjoys sitting out in the evening. She said she’s been working to make the yard a place where she can "feel comfortable."

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