The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, Feb. 7, 2002


DA's office joins probe into basketball brawl
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Police say identifying people from video could take some time

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Sharon police are getting more help in their investigation of the brawl that broke out Saturday at Sharon High School during a basketball game with Farrell, according to Sharon Police Chief Thomas Burke.

"We are conducting a thorough investigation in conjunction with the Mercer County District Attorney's Office," Burke said. "At the conclusion of that investigation, a determination will be made as to who is being charged. We want people to know we're doing the right thing."

"I think we will be assisting in manpower and suggesting investigative techniques," said Lorinda Hinch, first assistant district attorney. "As we do in any serious, complicated case we like to get in on the ground floor so we have an early understanding of the issues ... for possible prosecution in court."

Burke said identifying people involved in the fight from a videotape shot at the game is going to take longer than initially expected. "This is going to be lengthy," he said.

"The video that's available covers only a very small portion of the entire evening and only one location, that being the gym," Ms. Hinch said. Fighting also broke out in the school's commons area outside the gym.

Police and the district attorney's office are asking anyone who witnessed or who has a videotape of the fight to contact the police or the district attorney.

Ms. Hinch said it's too early to tell if they will need technical assistance to enhance the video images. She added that they need time to conduct a thorough investigation and that depends on the number of people who come forward to help.

"I don't think there's ever been a case like this ... hopefully it's a unique thing that won't be repeated," Ms. Hinch said.

The fight started in the stands during the basketball game and quickly escalated into a brawl involving between 70 to 100 people. Police said they believe mostly youth were involved in the fighting. So far, only one adult, Jesse J. "J.J." Wilson, 20, of Sharon, has been charged.

Wilson's preliminary hearing is scheduled for 9:30 p.m. Feb. 14 before District Justice James E. McMahon, Sharon.

Sixteen people were treated at local hospitals following the melee that police said included people punching and kicking police and even grabbing for their weapons.

Some Farrell parents, school and city officials have claimed that the police used "unneccessary force" when dealing with the situation.

Anyone who witnessed or has a video of the incident can call the Sharon police at (724) 983-3210 or the district attorney's office at (724) 662-3800 ext. 2519.
You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at

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