The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, April 13, 2002


Trustees name panel to try again on zoning

Brookfield Trustees dissolved the 2001 zoning commission at their Monday night meeting, but that doesn't mean zoning is a dead issue in the township.

The commission was created last spring to help set up a zoning resolution for the township. After several public hearings, the resolution was put on the ballot in the fall, but failed to pass.

According to the Ohio Revised Code, to put a new zoning resolution on next fall's ballot, a new zoning commission has to be created.

Trustees went through the formality of dissolving last year's commission and re-creating a new zoning commission and naming the same members to the group, to begin the process of putting a zoning resolution back on the ballot in the fall.

"Basically it will be the same," said Trustee chair Phil Schmidt. "The commission may try to correct some of the things that we had a lot of questions on the last time -- Just some fine tuning."

Some of the concerns residents had about last year's zoning resolution during zoning hearing meetings last spring and summer included a more accurate zoning map, and a more reader-friendly resolution itself.

"We had so many time constraints last year just to get the resolution done and on the ballot," said commission member Ralph Carsone. "We're attempting to refine it in the respect that residents can read it and see in black and white what they need a permit for and what they don't need a permit for."

The commission also plans on addressing the zoning map and placing more definite limits on any adult entertainment that could move into the township.

"Presently an adult business can't be in residential zones," Carsone said. "But we want to be sure that in the commercial zones, it has to be x amount of feet away from a school, a church or a playground."

Members named to the new commission are: Chris O'Brien, one year; Tony Dante. two years; Ralph Carsone, three years; Rocco Vadala; four years; and Nancy Straka, five years. Alternates are Deborah Kirk and Tom Demarco.

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