The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, April 13, 2002

County Conservation District creating non-profit affiliate

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

Mercer County Conservation District is looking to raise some funding in the near future with the help of a non-profit affiliate.

At the request of the county commissioners, the district had two public meetings last year tapping the assistance of county residents and agencies in drafting a strategic plan to help the district define its role in the community as an agricultural learning center.

Recently, the plan was approved by the commissioners, and the district is moving to create a non-profit entity, The Munnell Run Farm Foundation, Inc.

"Basically, it's a new body with ties to the conservation district. The new entity will be a sort of a complement to the district," said James Mondok, manager of the conservation district. "We just filed with the state for our articles of incorporation."

The district is also planning to have its non-profit status in six months.

"That way, we can get financial support without relying on the county," Mondok said. "Individuals can make contributions and can have a tax write-off."

Annually, the county budgets about $10,500 for the district in addition to paying the salaries of 7 employees. Mondok emphasized that the county also helps frequently with such expenses as recently paying for repairs to a roof and the purchase of a tractor used for mowing.

The county and district are also working out a long-term lease which would give the district management authority of the farm, though the county would still own the land.

"The advantage of that is when we seek funds to improve the infrastructure," Mondok said. "They'd be reluctant to make donations if we couldn't prove we have control of the land and guarantee the farm will be used for its intended purposes, that it would stay an agricultural and educational center in perpetuity."

Among the foundations first projects will be to improve buildings on the grounds.

"We're in desperate need of better office facilities and education facilities. We also would like to have restaurant facilities out on the farm," he said.

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