The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, April 13, 2002


Making joyful noise over CD
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Church choir makes recording

By David Odem
Herald Writer

Songs of Zion have been heard sung for years by the Gospel Choir of Community Missionary Baptist Church, 1013 Emerson Ave. Now, when people can't listen to the choir in person, they can still hear the gospel songs with the release of the choir's new CD.

The church released the CD in time for Easter.

The choir's goal for the CD was to reach the community through gospel music in a new way.

"It was a project that a choir member brought to the choir. It was voted on and agreed that we would give it a try," said Estrella Wayne, directress of the choir. "The money will help build the choirs treasury for activities for the choir to do, and the rest of the money will go back into the general church."

Mary Harris agrees the CD is a way to reach those spiritually who can't hear the choir in person.

"We are reaching people that may be shut-ins and can't get to church to hear the songs," explained the choir member. "If they get a CD they can listen to it and get a spiritual uplift from it."

Creating the CD was a new experience for those of the church who were involved. Recording in a studio was a first for most members. On a suggestion from a choir member, OnFire Studio in Farrell was chosen to produce the recording.

"It was the first time I had ever been in a recording studio. I was a little nervous and wasn't sure what to expect," said Mrs. Wayne. "We could have always used a little more preparation, but in the end everything turned out okay."

Recording sessions usually lasted for two hours and were held once a week for several months. That was in addition to the choir's usual schedule of once-a-week practice and performances each Sunday.

The choir plans to keep on making new albums after concerts, which they do two or hree times a year. Their next CD is scheduled to be recorded live on the second Sunday in September and will consist of 10 songs.

Mrs. Wayne said the choir has made several transitions in the past few years, including the styles of gospel songs they sing. They also take favorites of the past and revive them.

"It was a very fulfilling moment for us to complete the CD. I've been directing since I was 14 years old under Mrs. Bobby Jennings McKenzie. I've always loved directing the choir and to have a CD produced that I directed was a great honor for me," said Mrs. Wayne.

The CD can be purchased through the Community Missionary Baptist Church.

Orders can be placed by calling the church at (724) 347-1003, or by writing to Community Missionary Baptist Church, 1013 Emerson Ave., Farrell 16121.

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