The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, April 19, 2002


Council going after delinquent debtors

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Sharon City Council Thursday decided to go after the owners of two city businesses who are delinquent in repaying their revolving loans.

Solicitor William Madden told council there are numerous borrowers from the city's loan program that are behind on their payments but said owners of Central Perk Deli on Chestnut Street and The Rib Connection on Budd Street are "seriously delinquent."

Madden said the business owners have not acted on delinquency notices from the city.

Central Perk owes the city $1,978 and has been delinquent since June 2001. The Rib Connection owes the city $2,334 and has been delinquent for a year.

Revolving loans are low-interest loans given to businesses, usually to do renovations on a building or buy equipment.

Councilman Raymond Fabian said he thinks it's imperative to take action against the businesses, and Councilman Lou Rotunno agreed.

"We just can't let it go any longer," Rotunno said.

Council voted unanimously to take further action against the business owners.

Issuing a writ for the Mercer County Sheriff's deputies to go to the stores or the loan signers homes and take items of value is the next step, Madden said. Personal belongings can be taken because the business owners personally signed for the loans, he said.

It could take anywhere from a couple of days to a week to process the paperwork, Madden said.

Lynette Evans owns The Rib Connection with her husband Jack. Mrs. Evans said she is delinquent on her loans due to on-going problems with her landlord.

"I try to do things in good faith. I owe them, and I am going to pay them," Mrs. Evans said.

She explained that her landlord allowed the property to fall in disrepair which led to a problem with rodents. Mrs. Evans said she had to close her business because of the rodents and she lost money.

"I lost my sales. I took a drop," she said of the problem that has lasted for over six months. She added that business normally slows in the winter months.

Mrs. Evans said they are suing the landlord over the condition of the property and a change in the lease.

"I'm struggling to keep up with all of my payments," Mrs. Evans said. "It's just a real messy thing. My intent was never to be behind."

Mrs. Evans said she would like to meet with city council, explain her situation and work with them. She said she is very grateful for the loan.

The Herald was unable to contact Central Perk owners Anthony and Virginia Adamo this morning.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at

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