The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, June 15, 2002


Parties discuss disaster response

Parish nurses, ministers and representatives of Hermitage Emergency Management, police and fire departments, Rural/Metro Ambulance and several congregations attended a May 30 meeting in New Virginia United Methodist Church, Hermitage.

New Virginia Parish Nursing Cabinet sponsored the event to discuss plans and work still to be done as faith communities work together to help prevent or assist in the event of disasters or terrorist attacks.

Speakers were Dr. Lavonne Marangoni, a registered nurse and congregational nurse with Twin Boroughs Health Ministry, and former Red Cross emergency nurse; and the Rev. Rick Nelson, host pastor and coordinator of Disaster Response Ministries of the Pennsylvania United Methodist Conference.

Dr. Marangoni discussed the importance of proper training, procedures that each component of the team should follow, preparation of mental health workers, importance of a family disaster plan in each home, hospital preparedness, biochemical agents and the importance of vigilance on the part of everyone, according to a news release from the New Virginia group.

Rev. Nelson stressed the importance of faith in God and hope for the future in maintaining a spirit of calm in such tumultuous times, according to the news release.

The meeting concluded with the National Parish Nurse Hymn, "Here I Am, Lord."

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