The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Opinions split on SVI forum

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

While David Rusk and John Powell presented the consolidation of five Shenango Valley municipalities as a no-brainer, the organization that brought them in to see the area said their views could not have been predicted.

Sure, Rusk and Powell, who recommended consolidation at a forum Monday, have supported many consolidations, but they also have said that consolidations have been bad for some communities, said the Rev. Myles Bradley, chairman of the Shenango Valley Initiative's Intergovernmental Task Force.

"I don't think they came predisposed with the thought that they would recommend consolidation," said Rev. Bradley, pastor of First United Methodist Church, Sharon. "I think both Rusk and Powell gave clear information that should help everyone focus on the issue of consolidation."

Hermitage resident James Bralski, who attended the forum, said he was disappointed Rusk and Powell only took a handful of questions.

"SVI promoted it as a great, open discussion," he said.

Rev. Bradley said SVI wanted to give Rusk and Powell the opportunity to make their presentations, but added, "We also wanted to keep the time frame within the two hours" that had been planned, he said.

Rev. Bradley added that audience members were invited to ask questions of Rusk and Powell after the event officially ended.

"We hope to continue the dialogue in ways that will allow those questions to be answered," he said.

SVI's aim was to expand the consideration of a consolidation or merger beyond the melding of governmental functions into the realm of quality of life issues.

Alan Kugler, the consultant working with the Shenango Valley Intergovernmental Study Committee, which is conducting a merger-consolidation study of Farrell, Sharon, Hermitage, Sharpsville and Wheatland, said he believes SVI accomplished its goal.

"I think it will help the committee members to look beyond the nuts and bolts of government," said Kugler, director of the Pennsylvania Economy League's Northwest office in Erie. "For that, they have done a great, great service."

Response from committee members was mixed.

Hermitage citizen representative Robert Jazwinski said he thought Rusk and Powell presented good information.

"We had two nationally recognized experts," Jazwinski said. "I don't think either had extreme viewpoints."

While disappointed at the turnout -- a feeling shared by Rev. Bradley -- of about 100 people, Jazwinski said the information will help people who heard them speak make informed decisions about consolidation.

Sharpsville Councilman Thomas Lally said he found the presentation "a little premature" considering the committee's work is not finished, but added, "Most of the facts are in."

Lally said he didn't think the forum would make the committee's job tougher or easier.

"If we go for consolidation, that talk will help," he said. "If we don't, it won't help."

Lally said he was most interested in seeing the reactions of audience members.

"I think it went both ways," he said. "The people who are for it are really for it, and the people who are against it are really against it."

Hermitage Commissioner James "Pat" White said he was not in favor of the forum.

"They had someone come in and tell us how to make a decision," White said.

He added it's too early to discuss the merits of a consolidation because the subcommittee reports are not all in, and those that are in, which address issues such as government structure, fire protection and recreation, will be "torn apart" before the committee decides a direction.

"It's not decision-making time, yet," he said.

White added he didn't like SVI telling people the issue of consolidation or merger will be decided by voters. It might not, he said.

The governing body of each community can opt out.

"We'll go back to our board and recommend up or down," White said, acknowledging that citizens can petition for a ballot referendum if their elected officials do not.

Jazwinski said he hopes the issue does reach the ballot.

"I think this decision is going to be one of the most important decisions that we can make," he said.

The forum was videotaped and SVI plans to show at least an edited version in its member congregations and community events to allow others to get a feel for the presentations.

SVI also wants to hold community forums within the congregations to discuss what recommendation the committee makes.

"We hope this will be the basis on which the next steps will be built," Rev. Bradley said.

Kugler said he hopes he can get a copy of the videotape to show committee members who could not attend.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Joe Pinchot at

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