The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, June 28, 2002

We get no respect, council chief says

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Sharon City Council President Fred Hoffman is upset that he and his fellow council members get no respect from city employees.

Hoffman said Thursday that "a number of city employees have no respect for council," not personally but as elected officials.

"I'm very disappointed over the number of employees that have no respect for council," Hoffman said. He added that it's gone on for more than a decade.

Some concerns Hoffman cited were city employees not answering the phone in a uniform way and identifying themselves and "things" not getting done when a council member requests something.

Hoffman said each month he wants to publicly review a department. He started with the police department.

Hoffman said he thinks Chief Thomas Burke is going to be one of the finest chiefs around. "I have no problem with him even though I think he thinks I have a problem with him," Hoffman said.

The biggest complaint Hoffman seemed to have with the police department is lack of information. Hoffman said council isn't always kept up to speed on things going on in the city such as the Feb. 2 brawl in the stands of the Sharon High School gymnasium.

"You can't believe what asses we look like in the community," Hoffman said referring to not being able to answer public questions about the brawl.

Hoffman said he doesn't expect to know the details of investigations but wants summaries to update council on incidents.

"I think we need to follow some procedures," Hoffman said.

Hoffman said he wasn't picking on the police department. "You have some fine officers," he told Burke.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at

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