The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, September 17, 2002

School directors quiz Lowry and Morrison

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

Reynolds school directors Monday interviewed two Pymatuning Township residents who hope to fill a vacancy on the board.

John H. Lowry of 1012 Brentwood Drive and Beverly P. Morrison of 132 Mortimer Road answered questions from board members about why they want to join the board.

Lowry said he has concerns about the district and wants to help the board look at long-term solutions to its problems, including a $2 million budget deficit.

"I have the experience on the board and common sense," he said. Lowry previously served on the board for five years and was its president for two years.

Lowry said he stepped away from public office for medical reasons. He said he filed a petition to seek election to the board but had to have sextuple heart-bypass surgery. He said his doctor recommended he withdraw from the race and he tried to remove his name from the ballot, but because of the cost of withdrawing he left his name on the ballot and was elected. Two months into his term, he stepped down.

He said he's prepared to stick to it now and would like to see all areas improved. "There aren't any areas in a school district that can't be opened for improvement," he said.

If appointed, he said, he plans to do all he can to help the board and has no preference of committee assignments.

"I don't feel comfortable sitting back talking about the problems the school district has. We can't place the blame on anyone. We are all to blame. If we just lay back and accept it, then it's our fault too," he said.

Lowry and Mrs. Morrison seemed concerned with the district's financial problems and both said they plan to seek election even if they aren't appointed now.

Mrs. Morrison said she has three children ages 14, 12 and 9 who attend Reynolds schools, so she will be involved one way or another.

"My primary interest was the school board's dilemma last year," she said, referring to the deficit. "In business, when you're in distress, we make recommendations to turn the business around, monitor periodical reports and meet our objectives," she said.

Four years ago, she and her husband started a business in the area and earned about $492,000 in revenue, she said. Her experience in business taught her to watch every expense and to make judgment calls.

Members asked if she would have time to serve on the board, considering she has a family and a business to run.

"There's a strong time commitment, but I'm prepared to step in that place if called to do it," she said.

Reynolds school directors are elected by region: Pymatuning Township, West Salem Township and Fredonia/Delaware Township. Because Sue Mitchell, who resigned last month represented Pymatuning Township, the new director must also live in Pymatuning.

The board plans to announce its choice when it meets Wednesday.

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