The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Tank takes the top award

Teen's models roll over the competition

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By Lisa Mehler
Herald Staff Writer

Inspired by movies like "A Bridge Too Far" and visits to a nearby museum, Sharpsville High School junior John Bonnani began building detailed scale models of World War II era tanks.

His work has won him the 2002 Tom Kolk award for best junior entrant at the International Plastic Modelers Society USA National Convention.

John, a son of Dr. James R. and Tammy Bonnani of Sharpsville, entered a 1/35-scale model of a Sherman Firefly Vc tank at the society's convention July 31 through Aug. 3 in Virginia Beach, Va. The British tank served with the 23rd Hussars of the 11th Armored Division during World War II.

The competition featured scale modelers from around the world. "I was stunned," John said of winning. "There were a lot of other good models in competition."

John, a member of the society's Shenango Valley Area Scale Modelers and Three Rivers IPMS, said he has always enjoyed models, but began building them for competitions only within the last year.

"I became interested in World War II-era models after watching the mini-series 'Band of Brothers' and the movies 'A Bridge Too Far' and 'Saving Private Ryan,'" he said. "I also became interested after visiting the World War II Vehicle Museum and Learning Center in Hubbard."

John said he enjoys scale modeling because it gives him a chance to travel around the eastern United States. "I also get to meet new people and exchange ideas on how to make models more authentic."

His award-winning tank began as a basic kit to which he added custom road wheels and single link tracks for a working suspension. John also added a machined aluminum barrel for the main gun and miniature latches on the rear storage box.

John previously earned first place in his category at the IPMS Region IV Contest in Louisville, Ky. The model -- also a tank -- featured parts including separate link tracks, a workable suspension and machined metal barrel. The work won first place in the armor class, which made it eligible for the best in show award.

John's winning streak began with his first competition. "I won my first best in show junior award on March 16 during competition in Toledo," he said. The model, which also received first place, was that of a World War II German Jagdtiger tank destroyer.

He then entered that prize-winning tank in the Buffcon 19 event April 7 in Buffalo, N.Y. "At that show I won my second best in show junior," he said. "There I met Bob Collignon, one of the best armor and diorama modelers in the world. His work is seen regularly in the magazine Fine Scale Modeler."

The tank likewise earned first place and junior best in show awards in Pittsburgh.

John earned a gold medal with a score of 27.5 out of 30 in the Armor Modeling Preservation Society National Competition. The contest was April 19 and 20 in Harve de Grace, Md., near the U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds.

After winning the Tom Kolk Award at his most recent competition, John's tank now may only be entered in the national level of other IPMS competitions around the world.

He is preparing for next year's IPMS National Convention in Oklahoma City. The 2003 winner will receive a $1,000 college scholarship.

"Models, dioramas and figures that are entered in competition are judged not only on the modeler's skill, but also are researched to be technically and historically accurate," he said of contest entries. "Period photographs, unit histories and technical manuals are used to produce the most accurate replica ... Historical and technical accuracy and realism are major considerations during judging."

John is involved in Sharpsville High's Golf Team and German and Chess clubs. Outside of school, he enjoys in roller hockey and fishing. John hopes to go to medical school in the future.

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