The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Ex-Kirila employee pleads not guilty

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

A Brookfield man accused of embezzling more than $650,000 from his former employer has pleaded not guilty.

Robert "R.P." Mild, 35, of 7090 Stewart-Sharon Road, pleaded not guilty Tuesday to embezzling money from Kirila Contractors of Brookfield during a pretrial arraignment before Trumbull County Judge Andrew Logan.

According to court records and Assistant Prosecutor Chuck Morrow, who presented the case:

Mild, who worked for Kirila for 10 years, was fired Aug. 26 for unrelated reasons. Subsequent to his termination, Kirila accountants audited the books and turned up huge discrepancies in the company's financial records.

Detectives trying to trace the missing money confiscated computers and certain company records from Mild's home. The records linked Mild to an embezzlement conspiracy.

The Trumbull County Sheriff's office initially charged Mild with aggravated theft, but on Friday he was indicted on 21 charges: forgery, 17 counts of money laundering and three counts of engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity.

Following the indictment, assets held by Mild and his wife, Jamie, were frozen.

The indictment lists 33 pieces of land, including Mild's home, that are subject to forfeiture if he is found guilty. Prosecutors are also after investments, which include stock in 17 different companies, gas and oil wells, IRAs, a 401(k), annuities, life insurance policies and 13 vehicles.

On Tuesday, the judge continued Mild's bond and its conditions, which include relinquishing his passport and wearing an electronic ankle bracelet to monitor his whereabouts.

A pretrial is scheduled for Nov. 12.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Larissa Theodore at

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