The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, September 24, 2002

English feted
for backing cancer care, research

By Tom Fontaine
Herald Staff Writer

U.S. Rep. Phil English, Erie, R-21st District, was honored Monday in Hermitage for his efforts in the battle against cancer.

Jeffrey Shogan, deputy director of business affairs for the Pittsburgh-based UPMC Cancer Centers, presented English with the U.S. Oncology Medal of Honor award, saying the fourth-term congressman has fought the disease in the trenches.

While the number of cancer-care centers in the United States and outside of major metropolitan areas has grown dramatically in two decades, so too has the cost of health care. Faced with the undermining threat of those skyrocketing costs, Shogan said he sought English's help several years ago -- and the congressman responded.

"Some doctors didn't go out of their way to help as much as he did," Shogan said.

English appeared touched by the honor.

"Both of my parents fought with cancer -- and in my mother's case, unsuccessfully," English said.

"Cancer is one of the great killers, but I believe that a cure is within striking distance. We have made huge strides in the four years since my mother's passing," English said.

English, a member of the House health subcommittee, said it is critical for the federal government to provide more adequate funding for cancer research and to expand cancer care.

Cancer death rates have dropped in recent years, but the rate of new cancer cases has held steady.

If that diagnosis rate doesn't change as the population continues to grow, the number of Americans diagnosed with cancer annually is expected to double to 2.6 million people by the year 2050, according to the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries.

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