The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, February 4, 2003

County still waiting to learn
about additional heating aid

While Pennsylvania will get an additional $16.4 million from the federal government for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, it is unclear how much money will be given to Mercer County or how it will be used.

Mike Voyda, income maintenance administrator for the Department of Public Welfare in Hermitage, said the agency is waiting to hear how much additional LIHEAP money the county will receive. The money may be used to expand the county's crisis program or possibly the cash program.

The LIHEAP program year started in November.

So far 3,417 families in Mercer County have received money to help pay their heating or electric bills, Voyda said. The average household cash allotment is $240, he said.

The crisis program has given out an average of $164 to 509 families, he said.

The cash program gives a family a one-time allotment each year to help pay heating or electric bills, while the crisis program is for people who run out of fuel oil or are in danger of having their heat or electricity shut off, Voyda said.

In January the U.S. Senate approved an amendment to give $200 million directly to LIHEAP for 2003.

LIHEAP money is awarded on financial need.

Anyone already enrolled in LIHEAP will automatically get a new form each year. New customers can call the welfare office at (724) 983-5000.

You can find more information about LIHEAP by going to and using LIHEAP as the keyword search.

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