The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, February 20, 2003

Some Clark residents
want refund of taxes

Tornado victims
may leave district

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By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Some Clark residents want Sharpsville Area School District to refund real estate tax money the residents paid for houses that no longer exist since the Nov. 10 tornado obliterated them.

Jim and Jan Scott are renting a home in Sharon while they decide whether to rebuild on Nora Street. Scott said he paid his 2002-03 school taxes before the tornado and asked the district to refund his taxes.

Mercer County and the borough of Clark have already refunded real estate taxes to the tornado victims, Scott said.

Scott said he received a letter from the school district saying the money would be applied to the 2003-04 taxes. However, Scott said he and his wife may not continue to live in the school district.

"What will happen to that money?" he asked. "I think they (the taxes) should have been refunded now."

Scott said he was first penalized for having insurance because then-Gov. Mark Schweiker wouldn't declare Clark a disaster area because the residents had insurance. Now Scott said he's being penalized for paying his taxes early.

Board President Terry Karsonovich said the board assumed everyone was going to move back to their properties. Also since everyone was insured and there was donated disaster money, Karsonovich said the board didn't think there was a need for immediate cash in hand.

Refunding taxes now would be "an accounting nightmare," he said.

"In my personal case we have not settled with the insurance company," Tricia Mueller said. "Please be aware there are other tornado victims out there that are really struggling and could use every penny they can get."

Scott said he has not seen any disaster money, and he doesn't think the money has been distributed to the residents yet.

At the March 10 work session, the board will reconsider refunding taxes right away, Karsonovich and fellow directors agreed. He asked Mrs. Mueller and the other residents to attend so they could further explain their situation.

Board solicitor John Reed said properties in Clark will be reassessed by the county appraiser and the taxes will be adequately adjusted. He said that out of 22 properties, three or four families are in the same situation as the Scotts and may not continue to live in the district.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at:

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