The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, February 20, 2003

Eligible people can get
more money to heat homes

People in Mercer County who qualify for crisis aid from the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program will now be able to get more money to help in an emergency.

"The maximum crisis award has been increased from $300 to $600 to help families with home-heating emergencies due to the colder than normal temperatures and higher heating costs," said Mark E. Wasser, director of the Mercer County Assistance Office. "Families who have already received a crisis grant and who are still experiencing problems can receive more assistance for a combined total of $600."

LIHEAP is a federally funded program that helps low-income households pay for heating costs and furnace repairs during the winter. Families who qualify can receive a one-time cash allowance and/or emergency money.

In January, the federal government gave states an additional $200 million for LIHEAP.

Families have until March 27 to apply for assistance. LIHEAP applications are available at the Mercer County Assistance Office in Hermitage, local utility companies, community service agencies such as the Area Agency on Aging or community action agencies.

Money is awarded based on income. The guideline for eligibility starts at $11,961 for one person and increases based on the number of people in a family.

For more information, call the Mercer County Assistance Office at (724) 983-5000 or (800) 747-8405.

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