The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, March 14, 2003

Portions of landmark being salvaged

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

A Sharon landmark is being torn down, but fans of architecture and history can take some comfort because many parts of the distinctive building are being salvaged.

Boyd House, at 869 E. State St., Sharon, is owned by Dick McClure, a New Castle native who now lives in St. Petersburg, Fla.

David Shoffstall, Poland, Ohio, owns Architectural Antiques and is overseeing the demolition. Shoffstall said McClure bought the house in January but realized it was going to be far too costly to renovate it and pay for the upkeep of a house its size.

There was also someone interested in buying the house and moving it to Iowa, but that was going to cost about $1.8 million, Shoffstall said.

As many parts of the house as possible are being salvaged, including woodwork, mantles, windows, doors and lighting fixtures, Shoffstall said. He said the slate roof and cut stone from the wall that encloses the property are also supposed to be used on other projects, some locally.

The house, which Shoffstall described as a Swiss Tudor, is about 100 years old. For many years it was the Cyril T. Reinsel Funeral Home. It was then purchased by the Boyd family and used as a nursing home, Shoffstall said.

At the Sharon City Council meeting Thursday night, finance director Michael Gasparich said a video store, a sandwich shop and a third, undetermined, store would be put built on the site.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Kristen Garrett at:

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