The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, April 10, 2003

April 24 rally, other events show support for U.S. troops

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

A Grove City woman who, like many Americans, strongly supports U.S. troops in Iraq, decided to show her support for them in a public way.

Beth Ryder of State Street is organizing a Rally for America the evening of April 24 at the Grove City Rescue Squad building on state Route 208 in Pine Township. The event will include music, food, magic and the military.

"I'm very patriotic, but while teaching school I see a lot of students who don't understand what our country has been through or understand how important it is for us to support the troops," Mrs. Ryder said. "They say things like 'I have the freedom to say this and I have the freedom to say that.' Well (I ask them), why do you have the freedom to say that? It's important for the youth of our country to understand what the military does for us."

In fact, it's so important to her that she and her husband Brad and their band, The Intent, want to make sure that the community has a public forum to show support for the troops.

"A lot of people ask, What can I do to help? Can I buy Chapsticks for them? Where do I send letters? What do I do?" Mrs. Ryder said.

She is arranging for representatives of the armed forces to be at the rally to answer those questions. So far, information booths will be set up by the Mercer County Chapter of the American Red Cross, the National Guard, the Navy and the Army Reserves. She is still waiting to hear from the Marines and the Navy.

The learning support teacher from Riverside High School in Ellwood City is also allowing some of her students to earn senior project credits by getting involved with the rally. "There are a couple of them working with me with this rally by helping us put up fliers and getting the word out," Mrs. Ryder said. "They will also be there that day to help set up, tear down, and sell yellow ribbons."

Though the emphasis isn't on raising money, she said any donations will go directly to local service personnel and their families.

For more information on the rally, call (724) 458-5017 or check the Web site:

Besides the April 24 rally, other area groups are working to support members of the military and their families. Among them are:

   » Salvation Army's Western Pennsylvania Division is launching its "Project Heroes" to assist families whose incomes have been lowered because family members being called to active service.

Anyone wanting to make a donation should send a check to the Salvation Army, 424 Third Ave., Pittsburgh 15219, made payable to the Salvation Army with Project Heroes in the memo section. To make a donation by credit card, call, (800) 725-2769.

The Worship Center in Mercer is participating in Project Heroes. Families in need should contact Envoys Joseph or Maria Bandzak from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at (724) 662-2420 to make an appointment.

   » Lawrence County Veterans Council, cooperating with Veterans of Foreign Wars posts 315 and 522 and American Legion Post 343, will hold a rally to honor and support troops serving in the war in Iraq.

The rally, which will feature speakers and prayers for service members, will take place at VFW Post 315, 1820 E. Washington St., New Castle.

Sponsors are asking that the names of Lawrence County residents on duty in Iraq be called in to the Lawrence County Veterans Affairs Office at (724) 656-2172.

   » Mercer County Chapter of the American Red Cross, working with military personnel, is offering a support group for military families, "The Yellow Ribbon Families."

The group meets twice a month and focuses on providing families a forum to discuss their loved ones' military deployment.

Military personnel will be on hand to give insights into the military action and what troops may be experiencing.

Child care will be available.

Meetings of the group are scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. April 26 in Conference Room 4 of UPMC Horizon, Farrell.

For more information, call Diane Mentch, director of emergency services, at (724) 981-3205, Ext. 22, or Dawnle Scheetz at (724) 981-7164.

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