The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, April 10, 2003

returns here for 'Romantic Journey'

Soprano Catherine Perman, a Hermitage native, will share "A Romantic Journey" for a concert at 3 p.m. Sunday in First Presbyterian Church, Sharon.

The show will be dedicated to her parents, Betty Senay Perman of Hermitage, who passed a "significant" birthday in September, and her father, Walter Paul Perman, who died 20 years ago last month.

The concert will feature works by Doaudy, Dvorak, Gianni, Herbert, Strauss, Schubert, Weil and others.

" 'A Romantic Journey' is an international program (covering five languages) which will surely touch everyone's heart strings as we stroll down Avenue Love in a classic sort of way from blues to Mozart," Ms. Perman said. "It is also dedicated to all of us who struggle with those unanswered romantic questions and outcomes beyond our control and comprehension."

The New York resident's lyrico-spinto repertoire includes roles in "Tosca," "Aida," "Il Trovatore" and "The Phantom of the Opera." She has sung with the Tulsa Opera and Santa Fe Opera, and sing in Cairo, Europe, and appeared in competitions in Italy, Spain, Germany, New York and New Jersey.

Raymond Ocock of New Wilmington will accompany Ms. Perman.

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