The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, April 11, 2003

Volunteers to roll up sleeves
on April 22 to beautify park

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

Susan Dudjak of Grove City enjoys daily walks through Grove City Memorial Park as the weather warms up. But she enjoys it even more because she has a hand in the park's cleanup every spring.

Ms. Dudjak, an employee of Timberland Factory Outlet at Prime Outlets of Grove City in Springfield Township, along with her co-workers and other community volunteers, will participate in their sixth annual cleanup from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 22.

"Personally it's something I can be proud of and take part in," said the two-year full-time sales associate for the company.

Timberland has a history of giving back to the communities it is located in, according to Janet Moore of Grove City, assistant sales manager at the local store.

"They're trying to go global with this. They're trying to get the whole world involved," she said, adding that stores in places like Hong Kong, Japan, Austria and Puerto Rico are being encouraged to get involved in a community project.

"In some places, they plant flowers or do painting, but we focus on the park," Mrs. Moore said. Her three daughters will take part in the local project, as will the store's 11 employees.

"We'll do this in shifts. We'll work a little, then go to the park a little," she said.

Sandy McDowell of Pine Township, who has been with the store since it opened about eight years ago, has taken part in every cleanup. She also coordinated the event the first year.

"I really enjoy the fact that they want us to get out in the community -- that we're good citizens," she said. "It makes you feel very proud."

So far, counting employees, Girl Scout troops and other volunteers, the store has about 50 people signed up to help out. The focus is on the Rotary Memorial Gardens.

Last year, Mrs. Moore said, 50 to 60 bags of leaves, sticks and garbage were collected. "The Grove City borough provides us with bags and then hauls the bags away," she said.

"I think it's great," Ms. Dudjak said. "I've always been involved with the environment. I'm a very outdoors person -- camping, the whole works."

For more information or to volunteer, call (724) 748-4049.

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