The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, April 18, 2003

Detailed report cards will go online

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

One report card is usually enough for a kid to bring home to his parents, but some elementary school students in Sharon will be bringing two reports cards home in May.

Certain teachers have been designated to test report cards that will be created online instead of by hand, Traci Valentino, assistant principal at Case Avenue Elementary, said. A committee of teachers was established to create the cyber report card, she said.

The current reports cards don't adequately match what the teachers are teaching and the students are learning, Ms. Valentino said. She said they want the cards to tell the parents what the students can really do.

The proposed online report cards are much more detailed and break down areas of each subject. For example, the writing grade for a first grader is broken down into categories such as ability to select writing topics, applying word knowledge and organizing and expressing thoughts clearly.

Parents who get two report cards for their child will also be given a survey about the new cards, Ms. Valentino said. She said the teachers working with the new cards will make a recommendation to either start using the cards in the 2003-04 school year or wait another year to work out some kinks.

She said teachers did have some concerns about things like computer glitches.

The elementary school is currently on a six week grading period while the middle and high schools are on a nine week grading period. Ms. Valentino said elementary teachers and administrators would like to change to a nine week grading period also.

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