The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, April 18, 2003

Broadway parcel eyed for KOZ

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

Hermitage commissioners are being asked to expand the Keystone Opportunity Zone to property along Broadway Avenue.

The Moroco Family Partnership owns two parcels on the south side of Broadway, just east of Wheatland, and is asking that 25 acres of each parcel be added to the KOZ.

If approved by the city, school district, county and state, the property would be virtually tax free for about seven years, which officials hope will attract development.

Randy Coleman, chairman of the sites committee of Penn-Northwest Economic Development Corp., said the property has been marketed aggressively by the family, but has been passed over by companies that can find large parcels already in a KOZ.

The property's strengths are its size and its proximity to Interstate 80 and Route 60, he said.

"We don't have any sites in the 25-50 acre range in the KOZ by Interstate 80," he said. "We believe this will go quickly."

Hermitage School Board was approached Monday but has not acted.

Denny Puko, executive director of Mercer County Regional Planning Commission, said the county commissioners have pretty much gone along with the wishes of communities and school boards in KOZ decisions.

The city receives $261 in property taxes from the property; the school district, $2,440; and the county, $900.

Commissioner Larry Gurrera said the city would not be giving up much. "I don't see many minuses," he said.

Commissioners agreed to put the issue on its agenda for Wednesday's meeting.

If approved, the property would be part of the KOZ starting Jan. 1, 2004, and probably would be attached to a zone that expires Dec. 31, 2010, Puko said.

Hermitage has property in the Ohio Street area in a KOZ.

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