The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, April 24, 2003

School board decides to put Jones' contract up for a vote

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Though it may seem a little premature, West Middlesex school directors are expected to vote Monday on whether to renew longtime Superintendent Al Jones' contract.

Board President Thomas Hubert said Tuesday the board must make a decision because Jones' contract could have a big effect on the 2003-04 budget.

Jones' contract expires June 30, 2004, and he hasn't announced his intent to retire, Hubert noted.

Jones has been with West Middlesex schools for more than 30 years. According to his contract, the district will owe him money for unused vacation and sick days when his employment ends.

Though Hubert didn't give a specific figure, he said it's in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and will affect other administrative and teaching positions. The board has said it already is facing a $935,000 shortfall for next year.

If Jones retires or the board decides not to renew his contract, that money must be included in the 2003-04 budget, which must be adopted by June 30.

Some board members think it's too soon to vote on Jones' contract.

Director Arlene Repko said Jones should be given the opportunity to retire. "As a board we should sit down with Mr. Jones and say, 'If you're going to retire, let us know by a certain time,' " she said. "I guess my feeling is why wouldn't we have talked to him first?"

Considering his years of service Jones should have the right to decide if he's going to retire rather than have the board "unceremoniously dump him," Mrs. Repko said.

Director Kevin Kirk agreed with her and recommended the board not vote Monday on Jones' contract.

"I make up the agenda. It's going to be on the agenda," Hubert said.

During the board's discussion, Jones asked to make a comment.

"I'm going to continue to satisfy the responsibility and charges of my office," Jones said. He said he's proud of the things that have been done in the district in his 32-year tenure.

"I appreciate the people who give their confidence and support me," Jones said.

"It's a sad thing to be treated that way," Jones said.

"I hope you don't take it personally," Hubert told him, noting the vote is about the financial obligation.

Kirk said the issue was handled the wrong way.

On July 1, Jones will begin the last year of a five-year contract and will be paid $107,000.

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