The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, April 26, 2003

Commissioners raise limits
on grants for housing rehab

Hermitage commissioners have raised the amount of money that can be given for each home under its housing rehabilitation program.

Homeowners who meet very low-income guidelines can receive up to $22,500, and those who fall into low- to moderate-income guidelines can get up to $17,500.

Both limits were increased by $2,500.

In Mercer County, a family of four that earns less than $23,850 is considered to have a very low income, and those that earn less than $38,150 fit low- to moderate-income guidelines.

The amounts change depending on the number of people in a household.

Assistant City Manager Gary M. Gulla said the adjustments were made because of rising costs.

"When there are on-lot sewage systems that need improvement, that goes away pretty quickly and there's not enough to do the house," he said.

Under the program, homeowners can get deferred loans for code-related repairs.

The loan value decreases by 20 percent a year. If a homeowner remains in the house for five years, the loan does not need to be paid back.

The city sets aside about $180,000 a year from its annual Community Development Block Grant allocation.

About 15 houses are done a year. Gulla said he didn't think the limit increase will affect the number of homes that can be worked on each year.

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