The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, April 26, 2003

Resident prompts
Boyd speed limit

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

Laura DeJulia believes that children should be able to ride their bicycles on Boyd Drive, where she lives.

"My son is 9," she said. "He is starting to ride his bike. I won't let him go out because I'm afraid he'll get hit."

Motorists drive too fast on the street, she said, adding that children are not always observant of what is going on around them.

"The cars come down here, like, 65 mph," she said.

Ms. DeJulia asked the city to put up "Children at Play" signs, and city officials are doing her one better: setting a 25-mph speed limit.

"I'm really happy," she said. "I'm thrilled."

According to a traffic study conducted by police, the primarily residential street has one 35 mph sign -- which can be seen only by northbound traffic -- but an ordinance has not been passed officially setting a speed limit.

Surrounding streets have a 25-mph speed limit set by ordinance, and the Sharon section is posted at 25 mph, officials said.

City commissioners adopted on its first reading Wednesday an ordinance setting the 25-mph speed limit, a move recommended by the police department. Commissioners set a public hearing and final adoption of the ordinance for May.

City Manager Gary P. Hinkson said the city will put up "Children At Play" signs as soon as possible, if they are not already up. That could be done without action by the commissioners, he said.

Ms. DeJulia said she worries about the 9-year-old neighbor girl who crosses the street to play with her 4-year-old daughter, and the senior citizens who walk the street for exercise.

"Our road is a neighborhood of walkers -- old people, people walking their dogs and people walking to Bruster's to get ice cream," she said.

Ms. DeJulia said she talked to Jim Varley at Dodge City Inc. about employees speeding when they test-drive cars, and she has had no problems with them since then.

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