The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, April 26, 2003

City turns down
billboard request

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

A Hermitage man won't be allowed to erect billboards at his property at 943 Thomas Ave., Sharon.

Roy Atkinson asked that the area near the Ohio border be rezoned from institutional to commercial so he can put up two billboards that would be illuminated with spotlights. Atkinson has an auto detailing business on the property.

Sharon City Council voted 3-1 Thursday not to rezone the property.

Sharon Planning Commission denied Atkinson's request to rezone the property after a hearing in October. Mercer County Regional Planning Commission also made a recommendation not to rezone the land.

Bernard Groboski lives on Thomas Avenue and said he doesn't want the land rezoned. "I've been there for too many years. I probably don't have too many left, and I'd like to enjoy them," he said.

Resident Robert Lucas mentioned the city's revitalization plan, which includes various entrances into the city including the one where the billboard would have been. "Do you want a billboard right where the gateway's going to be?" he asked.

Councilmen George Gulla and Lou Rotunno agreed. Rotunno said billboards are unattractive and the neighborhood is nice. Gulla said he would rather see "Welcome to Sharon" signs erected.

Atkinson said he wants to realize a profit on the property and thought billboards would be the "friendliest thing" for the neighborhood.

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