The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Board leans toward relaxing
teacher interview process

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Administrators in the West Middlesex Area School District are asking directors to consider temporarily relaxing the interviewing process for teachers due to a large number of retirees.

Superintendent Al Jones made the request Monday. Part of the interviewing process includes the applicant teaching a simulated lesson. Jones said administrators would like the option to waive the simulated lesson in certain cases.

There are situations where applicants have already taught in the district as substitutes, and administrators have had a chance to sit in on their classes, Jones said. There are also cases where teachers have submitted videos of their teaching skills.

There are 12 people retiring this year and because of the time-consuming nature of the hiring process, Jones said he's concerned the district may miss out on some excellent candidates. He said some applicants have already told him they applied to several districts and will go to the district that hires them first.

Board President Thomas Hubert said the request is reasonable. He moved to waive the required simulated lesson for this hiring year. Hubert included in his motion that the policy change be passed immediately without the standard second reading.

Director Dale Shrawder said he disagrees with changing the policy. He said it's a process that has worked well in the past.

Director Warden Burger agreed. He said time shouldn't be a factor when selecting candidates, no matter how long it takes. "That's the time we volunteered to put in," he said.

Some directors, such as Arlene Repko, agreed with Jones. Mrs. Repko said "time is of the essence."

Mrs. Repko made the same motion as Hubert except that it would require two readings, which would give directors more time to consider the change.

Directors voted 7-to-1 to approve a first reading of the policy change. Shrawder cast the "no" vote.

Directors are expected to vote on the final reading of the policy at the May meeting.

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