The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, May 3, 2003

Billboard chicken goes on the loose again

It's bad luck to be chicken-napped once but for one unfortunate fowl it's happened a second time.

Cluck -- the chicken who graces the Quaker Steak & Lube billboard at U.S. Route 62 and Chestnut Ridge Road in Hubbard Township -- was stolen.

Officials from Quaker Steak & Lube reported the theft to Hubbard Township police Friday, Chief Todd Coonce said.

Coonce said there's very limited information about the theft that may have occurred between Friday and Sunday.

The billboard is elevated fairly high off the ground, Coonce said.

How did the chicken-nappers get up there?

"Good question," Coonce said.

Cluck was chicken-napped from the same billboard in September 2001. Coonce said after that incident police found Cluck covered in a tarp lying in the woods off of Chestnut Ridge.

"You would think whoever had taken it as a prank would have grown up a little," Coonce said. "Maybe they passed it on to their little brother or sister."

"Is it unsafe for Cluck to be out along at night? Is Cluck paying the ultimate price of fame?," a news release from Quaker Steak & Lube asked.

Anyone who has information concerning the chicken-napping can call (724) 981-3123 and ask for Trisha or Sean, the release said.

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