The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, May 6, 2003

VFD asked
to pay premium

Supervisors want help with insurance

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By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

A $3,000 stumbling block is standing in the way of a three-year contract between Springfield Township supervisors and the township volunteer fire department.

Monday night, supervisors said they give about $39,000 annually to the fire department in tax revenue, fuel, workers' compensation and liability insurance, among other things. Supervisors said -- and firefighters acknowledged -- that the department also has received several grants the last two years, one for at least $60,000.

This year, supervisors decided to ask the volunteers to pay for some of the expenses the fire department incurs. Supervisors want the department to pay the cost of liability insurance -- about $3,000. Originally, supervisors also asked the department to pay for other expenses, such as workers' compensation.

But firefighters are balking at the idea.

Fire Chief Steve Rea said firefighters just want the same contract they've had. "We haven't got a contract signed. You wanted us to start paying for workers' comp and fuel."

"We think we're being pretty fair," said township secretary Pat Weimer, after listing what comes out of township coffers for the fire department.

The township provides 3 mills of taxes plus payments toward fuel, Weimer said.

Rea said 1 mill went into a truck fund, leaving firefighters with only 2 mills for operating costs.

He said the grants shouldn't have anything to do with the contract. "It's pure luck if you get them," he said. "We're getting jeopardized because we got this grant? We get the grants because we're needy," he said.

Supervisors suggested firefighters do additional fund raising like other fire departments to help out with costs and save for future expenditures.

"Are any one of you willing to go and do some (fund-raising) and raise money for the department?" asked Angela Lipnichan, whose home burned in January.

"Why do you want them to do things to make ends meet?" questioned another resident.

"Do you have enough money?" Ms. Lipnichan asked the supervisors.

When they replied that they did, she asked, "So why does the fire department have to fight to get the same contract?"

"They are providing taxpayers a service for free," she said.

Supervisor Chairman Randall Magee reassured firefighters that they would eventually get the contract hammered out. "We are going to come to an agreement with the fire company, have no fear."

"We as property owners are concerned that you won't," a resident responded.

"We'll have a contract with the fire company one way or another," Magee said.

"I'm just grateful there's a fire department to call," Ms. Lipnichan's mother Kathy said after the meeting. She noted that when her daughter's home burned, three departments, including Springfield, were there in 15 minutes, and the quick response time kept the home from being a total loss.

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