The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, May 8, 2003

Clark, 3 townships to apply for housing rehab funds

By Jeff Greenburg
Herald Staff Writer

Clark is among four communities that could eventually be in line to share $500,000 for a multi-municipal grant for housing rehabilitation funds.

Clark, Pymatuning Township, Delaware Township and Jefferson Township officials intend to apply to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for those funds, Clark Mayor Doug Bradley said this week during the borough's monthly meeting.

"I'm sure we've got people who will qualify," Bradley said. "The question is whether they'll come in and fill out the application for it. I hope they do because this is a program that's there for the residents and they certainly should take advantage of it."

Bradley's concerned because there will have to be sufficient interest shown by residents in order for the grant to be approved, although he did say Delaware Township was already ahead of the game with a stack of applications.

"The way I read it is the approval will depend on the amount of participation that's anticipated," he said.

Bradley also said those who qualify would have to pay back any unused portions of the money only if they didn't stay in their house for five years.

The grant, which has income limits based on the number of people per household, would be divided equally between the four communities, which Bradley said would probably amount to about $110,000 to $115,000 for each after administrative costs are subtracted.

Income limits based on people per household are: $26,700 for one person; $30,550 for two; $34,350 for three; $38,150 for four; $41,200 for five; $44,250 for six; $47,300 for seven; and $50,350 for eight or more.

Residents of the borough and townships are encouraged to contact their respective municipal buildings to obtain an application to be considered for future funding.

Applications are available at the following locations and numbers:

   » Clark Borough Building, Winner Road; (724) 962-5821.

   » Pymatuning Township Building, 256 Edgewood Drive Extension; (724) 646-1134.

   » Delaware Township Municipal Building, 53 Oniontown Road; (724) 588-2040.

   » Jefferson Township Building, 7407 Lamor Road; (724) 662-3310.

You can e-mail Herald Staff Writer Jeff Greenburg at:

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