The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, May 13, 2003

KOZ amended; 5 acres missing from first map

By Sherris Moreira-Byers
Herald Staff Writer

Grove City Area School Board members Monday approved an amended Keystone Opportunity Zone resolution, after finding out that the map they were given outlining the approximately 26 acres in the borough was missing a piece of the KOZ puzzle.

Denny Puko, head of the Mercer County Regional Planning Commission, took the blame for what board President Stephen Gould called "a minor detail missed on the map."

The detail missed was the former Johnstone Foundry, a little more than 5 acres bounded by Madison Street on the east and the Bessemer-Lake Erie Railroad on the north.

According to the school board, the oversight made little difference financially. "Maybe a couple of thousand dollars," said Superintendent Dr. Robert Post.

The school board and council recently voted to name the 26 acres of borough property, including the former Cooper Bessemer lot, a KOZ, which would exempt it from taxes for seven years. Tax-exempt status could possibly draw businesses into the area but would mean a loss of $48,000 a year in real estate taxes to the borough, school district and Mercer County.

The school district would take the biggest hit -- about $33,000 a year. The borough would potentially lose about $2,500 a year and the county would potentially lose about $12,000 annually for the next seven years.

County commissioners are scheduled to discuss the Grove City KOZ on May 22, according to Puko, who also provided the school board an updated map with the missing 5 acres on it. Council received the proper map with the proper information on it, he said.

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