The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Neighbors worry about speeding cars

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

"It's the Pulaski International Speedway out there every day," is how Shenango Township resident Floyd Rupert described the traffic on Pulaski-Mercer Road.

Rupert and his neighbor Kara Riley Rubaker asked Shenango Township supervisors Monday to do something about the speeders on their road.

Rupert said he approached the supervisors last year about the problem and speed limit signs were posted. He said he would like to see "Children at Play" signs posted as well.

The road is maintained by the state with a speed limit of 40 mph.

Mrs. Riley Rubaker said she and her dog were hit by a sport utility vehicle Dec. 6. The dog was killed instantly, and Mrs. Riley Rubaker said she suffered severe bruising. The accident occurred at the end of her driveway, where there is a blind spot, she said.

"I'm very concerned about children on the road," Mrs. Riley Rubaker said. She said 20 young children and teenagers live on a 2-mile stretch of the road. She has three children all younger than age 5.

"The cars fly," Mrs. Riley Rubaker said. Adding to the speeding cars is the fact that the road is curvy and there is no berm, so walkers and bicyclists have nowhere to go when they meet oncoming traffic, she said.

Supervisor Larry Robinson said he would talk to PennDOT officials and ask to have a mirror placed at the end of the Mrs. Riley Rubaker's driveway to help with the blind spot. He said he would also ask PennDOT to do a study and consider reducing the speed limit there.

Police Chief Ronald Preston said police can start to monitor the road for speeders.

Though supervisors said they will call PennDOT, they encouraged the residents to call as well.

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