The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, June 13, 2003

Supervisors refuse to apply
for 'Cop In Schools' grant

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

Pymatuning Township supervisors refused to support a proposal Thursday evening that would provide full-time police presence in Reynolds schools.

Supervisors agreed to a request by Reynolds Superintendent Dr. Anthony Trosan to vote on applying for a "Cops In Schools" grant. Trosan also presented supervisors a completed proposal to review. But after Supervisor Walter Weir moved to vote on the proposal, neither Supervisor James Kaller nor Supervisor Joseph Selnekovic would second.

"I think they knew what they were going to do before they showed up here," said Rick Whitten of Mortimer Road. "They're doing a terrible disservice to the township taxpayers."

The "Cops In Schools" grant would have provided $125,000 over three years to cover the cost of stationing a Pymatuning Township policeman in Reynolds schools for three years. Applicants were required to have a plan in place to pay for the position in the fourth year, which school officials put together.

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