The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Forgiving father is relieved fire only took home, not son

By Jeff Greenburg
Herald Staff Writer

Not unlike most fathers, William Porterfield Jr. admitted he was a bit upset at his 17-year-old son, William III, after finding out Friday his son had accidentally set their 125 Fourth St. home on fire.

The basement was completely gutted, the kitchen area that has steps leading to the basement was also heavily damaged, as was the hardwood floor, and the second floor area of the home sustained smoke damage, Porterfield said, noting his anger didn't last long.

"He was really shook up," Porterfield said Monday, regarding his son. "I told him 'at least you're OK, you didn't get hurt. The house is replaceable, you're not.' I was kind of mad of him at first, but that's just being a typical father. I was mad, but then how can you be mad at an accident?"

An accident was exactly what Porterfield said occurred and has left the self-employed contractor, his wife Brenda and their four children -- the three others include Michael, 12, Kara, 10, and Hank, 4 -- temporarily homeless.

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