The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Class gives adults
key to computer skills

By Larissa Theodore

Herald Staff Writer

What's the point in having a computer if you don't know how to use it?

That's how Diane Samuels of Grove City felt. Other than playing games on her system, she wasn't putting the computer entirely to use, which motivated her to join a computer class at Southwest Gardens Economic Development Corp. in Farrell.

"It's good to know how to use it, instead of it just sitting there," she said.

Mrs. Samuels was faithful, never missing a class during the four weeks of basic computer training. Now that she knows how to send e-mail, search a Web page and locate a task bar, using her computer won't be such a complicated job, she said.

"I decided to take classes because of all the technology advancements in the United States," she said. "This class has advanced me a lot."

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