The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, July 2, 2003

Vendors split on market rules

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

Bitter reality accepts that not everybody will get along. But Farrell council is hoping a clash between sellers at the Farrell Farmers Market will resolve itself.

If it doesn't, council will have no choice but to intervene and review an old ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to sell goods at the farmers market that they didn't grow themselves.

Several farmers complained in the past to council that they knew the city's ordinance was being violated because they helped others carry bags of tomatoes and crates of produce bearing someone else's name.

They claimed those vendors, or "hucksters," were taking money from legitimate growers because they were buying wholesale produce and passing it off as homegrown.

Ed Farkas of Farrell hasn't received official word from council yet, but he is hoping council will consider appointing him market master, which would give him enforcement power at the Farrell Farmers Market.

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