The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, August 7, 2003

Dresel likes gig on live TV show

By Joe Pinchot

Herald Staff Writer

Jonathan Dresel admitted it took a while getting used to having a regular job.

Driving 10 minutes to work, working Monday through Friday, seeing the same people every day and looking forward to six weeks of vacation were a little strange to the drummer for the house band of the ABC late night television show, "Jimmy Kimmel Live."

"It's something different for me to be doing one thing," the Sharon native said. "It's something I've never experienced before. Being a musician, I'm used to going on the road, or having work for a period of time and then having time off. It kind of comes in bunches. Now, it's five days a week. I'm there every night, which is great. It's nice to have (it), it's just different. It took a little getting used to. I like it, actually."

Of course, being the drummer for the Kimmel band is not exactly a regular-Joe job, but it's about as close to one as he's likely to get without leaving his profession.

Dresel, 35, of Los Angeles, has kept busiest in recent years touring with rocker John Waite and jazz pianist Keiko Matsui. His jobs have been as diverse as playing on the song "No One Loves You Any Better Than Your M-O-Double-M-Y" for John Lithgow's children's album, to sitting in on gigs for Dave Koz and the Captain and Tennille.

He wasn't looking for a regular job when he was asked to join Kimmel's band.

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