The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, August 10, 2003

Touchstone offers adults summer camp
for arts

Touchstone Center for Crafts is nestled in the Laurel Highlands of Fayette County, a lovely corner of Pennsylvania and a perfect site for a budding craftsman.

There are no electronic distractions, no TVs, computers or answering machines. There's just a school in a peaceful wooded setting with well-staffed, well-equipped studios where a student has plenty of time to concentrate on his or her art.

In a way, it's a summer camp for big people, a retreat that offers weeklong and weekend classes for all ages and skills. Since its founding in 1972 it has offered instruction in diverse arts in a three-season schedule, May through September.

Studies include blacksmithing, ceramics, jewelry, weaving, glass, painting, mixed media, photography, printmaking, sculpture, basketry and book arts. More than 90 visiting artists take turns leading the informal classes where students learn at their own speed and share their skills with others. Special programs offer courses for children and families.

Classes run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., but students are welcome to use studios after hours to practice what they've learned.

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