The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, August 15, 2003

Officials investigate
sewer backups

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

Hermitage has created a team of inspectors to investigate homes that had sewer backups during the recent spate of heavy rains.

The team is trying to find reasons for the backups and ways in which they can be prevented in the future.

The city received 37 reports, with the heaviest concentration in the area of Pleasant Drive and Easton and Donald roads.

Tom Darby, Hermitage Municipal Authority manager and superintendent of the water pollution control plant, said the inspectors did not find any obstructions or failures of the sewer system so far, and plans to use smoke and dye tests.

Although backups occurred throughout the city, they all were near streams, he said.

"There's got to be some cross-connection we just can't find," Darby said.

By cross-connections, he means illegal connections, such as outdoor drains or downspouts emptying into the sanitary sewer system. The city will have to ""aggressively enforce" illegal connections, said City Manager Gary Hinkson.

Other possible reasons are leaky manholes that were submerged in flood water, or cracks in sewer lines.

Thursday, commissioners agreed to allow the city to install valves that prevent the backflow of sewer water into homes in which no reason for the backups could be found.

A contractor said he installs them for $350 to $500 apiece, Darby said, but city employees might be able to do it for less.

The city will draw up agreements with homeowners saying they are responsible for maintaining the valves, and instructing them on how to maintain them and how they work.

Commissioner Joseph Augustine added that residents must know that, when the valves are working, homeowners will not be able to send sewer water into the system.

Commissioner James "Pat" White said he hopes the city can take an extra step and help pay cleanup costs for residents who were not at fault for backups.

"If we can be the good guy, let's do it," he said.

Commissioners set a meeting for 1 p.m. Tuesday at the city building to discuss storm water problems.


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