The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, August 22, 2003

Penn Power: Rolling blackouts unlikely

It appears Mercer County residents won't have to worry about rolling blackouts like their neighbors in Ohio, according to Pennsylvania Power Co. area manager Randy Coleman.

"We are all clear here at Penn Power," Coleman said Thursday. "We have more than adequate supplies and we're not calling for any local conservation measures."

That isn't the case, however, in the Buckeye State where FirstEnergy Corp., Penn Power's parent company, is asking customers to make every effort to reduce consumption of electricity, according to a company release issued Wednesday.

The conservation measures are needed, the company wrote, to offset high customer demand related to the hot weather, combined with reduced generation capacity.

If the generation shortfall continues as customer demand grows during the day, the company would have to reduce customer load on a rolling blackout basis, most likely in the greater Cleveland area.

Customers can conserve power by taking these steps:

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