The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, August 23, 2003

Group home opposition continues

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

Sharon City Councilman Lou Rotunno said residents need to be vigilant when it comes to opposing a proposed group home for juvenile sex offenders in the city.

"We don't need that. We don't want it. There's no way we can stand for that," Rotunno said Thursday of the home which would be located at State Street and Strawbridge Avenue.

Despite the fact that property owner Paul Knott told Mayor David O. Ryan he has no intention of renting the house for a group home, Rotunno said he doesn't believe anyone has given up on the idea.

Mike Sember, owner of The Phoenix Youth Service, Inc., Hermitage, previously told The Herald because of opposition the home may be relocated to Allegheny County where the majority of the offenders live. Sember also said he is still in the process of getting a license through the state Department of Public Welfare.

"I think they're going to try to sneak it in," Rotunno said, adding that everyone is "pussyfooting on the issue."

Rotunno said he would picket the group home and the landlord if it is established and would invite others to join him.

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