The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, September 3, 2003

Cemetery may be ready in 2 weeks

By Patrecka F. Adams
Herald Staff Writer

Though timbering on the land that will house Brookfield's new cemetery slowed over the summer due to heavy raining and flooding, township officials expect it to be completed in about two weeks.

That's according to Jaime Fredenburg, road department manager.

"The weather's supposed to break and the major clearing can begin," he said, adding that stumps can start being pulled and roots will be cleared from the area.

Fredenburg said township officials are also looking into perpetual care for the cemetery. They will meet with Shenango Valley Foundation leaders to discuss setting that up, he said.

Fredenburg explained perpetual care would be paid from an escrow account; a percentage of revenue from the selling, opening and/or closing of gravesites would go into that account. The money builds interest, which could then be used to pay people to maintain the cemetery.

"As we start to dwindle (in existing cemetery revenue), we still have to cut grass and care for the grounds," Fredenburg said. "You reach a point where not enough revenue comes in to pay the workers for maintenance without having to pull from the general fund.

"The perpetual care fund will solve that, so money won't need to be taken from the general fund. Most private and some (public) cemeteries set up perpetual care funds."

Fredenburg said at least two full-time workers will need to be hired to maintain the cemetery.

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