The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Commission balks at paying prisoners' ambulance bills

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

If prisoners say they need an ambulance the police must call for one, but members of the Southwest Mercer County Police Commission don't want to get stuck with the bill.

Police Chief Riley Smoot Jr. told the commission members Tuesday they need to create a formal policy for people in police custody who request an ambulance.

The police department recently got a bill from Rural Metro Ambulance service for a call that was made at the prisoner's request. Smoot said all prisoners are told when they ask for an ambulance it is at their expense.

"Our position is we're out of the loop at that time," Smoot said.

Barbara Boyd, administrative assistant, said normally when she gets a bill from an ambulance service, she gives the service the address of the prisoner and she never hears from the service again.

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