The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Friday, September 12, 2003

Board: Dress code
not official policy

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

Farrell school board members are upset that they didn't have any say in an apparently new student code of dress.

Director Jerome Flint questioned elementary Principal Steve Gurrera at this week's school board meeting about the dress code printed in the district's newsletter that goes out to parents.

"Is that not up to the school board to make those decisions?" Flint asked. "I know I don't get paid for this (position), but there's a protocol to this job. It upsets me when people don't follow rules."

The newsletter states, "the following dress code will be strictly enforced" in the interest of keeping a focus on academics and safety for students. It goes on to list several clothing expectations. For example, pants, skirts and shorts must be longer than the length of the students fingertips. Tops must be tucked in and buttoned, and belts must be worn at all times. All shoes must have backs and heels should be no higher than 2 inches.

"Many of us (parents, teachers, administrators) truly believe if all our students follow our dress code, we will see a reduction in discipline and an increase in academics," the newsletter states.

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