The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, September 14, 2003

Tour offers treats, history

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

Not a year goes without Don and Bette Shipton of Grove City taking the time to sample attractions on the Mercer County country tour.

This year was no different as the couple walked the grounds of Highland Farm, 1811 Lake Road, Jefferson Township, which is operated by Harold and Suzanne Ealy and Dan and Sherry Ealy. Don Shipton's interest in farming stems from his own small beef cattle operation, a farming hobby he enjoys.

He and Mrs. Shipton stood with other adults and children, watching Dan Ealy as he hooked up a dozen cows for milking. They were also treated to vanilla ice cream and chocolate milk.

"This is nice. There's a lot of the area we never would get to see if it weren't for the tour," Mrs. Shipton said. "We do the tour every year. It allows us to get around the county and get to know different parts of the county."

The Shiptons were among hundreds of tourists, mainly families and children, who ventured to Highland Farm and five other draws Saturday, curious to see what goes on at the different places. Residents who didn't have the chance to drive through the 19th annual country tour Saturday can still check out the attractions from 1 to 6:30 p.m. today.

Highland Farm was established in 1898 when Frank Zahniser bought the original 107 acres for $2,500 as a wedding gift for his daughter, Elizabeth M. Ealy. Two smaller farms were established there later, completing the farm at 230 acres.

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