The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Sunday, September 14, 2003

Shopping becomes

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relaxing experience

By Kristen Garrett
Herald Staff Writer

A new store in Jamestown isn't just about shopping. It's about taking care of yourself and enjoying life.

Jamestown Soapworks was created by owner Jan Baznik with help from her husband Lou and her friend Cindy Skendall from Grove City.

"You can't be in business like this if you don't have a strong support system," Mrs. Baznik said.

Located next to their home on North Second Street, Jamestown Soapworks not only offers people an array of homemade, natural bath and body lotions but a chance to relax and take a break.

Mrs. Baznik said she, her husband and her friend worked in stressful jobs where they dealt with troubled youths. As they approached retirement age, Mrs. Baznik said they realized they hadn't really taken the time to enjoy life and had become "hermits" in their free time.

Mrs. Baznik said she wanted to bring people to them and convey a message to their customers to "slow down and enjoy life."

Customers to the small shop are invited to see where the products are made, sit and have a cup of coffee and have "your life enriched by spending time with other people," Mrs. Baznik said. "We make so many things in our life so priority, and they don't need to be."

Teachers and bus drivers will be invited to the store several days a week for "Caffeine Infusion" where they can relax before the hectic day begins.

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