The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, September 18, 2003

District picks new insurance consortium; waits for approval

By Larissa Theodore
Herald Staff Writer

A month after voting to quit the Western Pennsylvania Schools Health Care Consortium, Reynolds school directors Wednesday joined another insurance group.

As of Jan. 1, the district intends to get its employee health insurance from the Midwestern Health Combine Health Insurance Consortium.

Superintendent Dr. Anthony Trosan said the ball is now in Midwestern's court on whether to accept the district as a member.

Reynolds received a letter from the attorney representing the Western Pennsylvnia consortium that confirms the district has met paperwork requirements necessary to leave the group.

Trosan said Reynolds is now in a good position for employees to raise questions about the new insurance provider and the changeover.

Though school directors have officially withdrawn from the Western Pennsylvania consortium, the insurance group will continue to provide coverage for school employees until January.

The 12 member schools that made up the Western Pennsylvania consortium, several of which are in Mercer County, learned in late February that each would be assessed an additional amount of money to cover the consortium's $4 million shortfall. Reynolds had to get court approval to borrow $796,500 to pay its share.


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