The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Thursday, September 18, 2003

Infidels getting some noteworthy air play

By Joe Pinchot
Herald Staff Writer

The Infidels' first album in 13 years hasn't been released yet, but it already has accomplished something its predecessors could not.

It is being played on a non-independent station.

More specifically, the song "Steal Your Heart Away" is getting spins on WNCD-FM 93.3, Youngstown.

"That is huge for us," said guitarist and singer Pete Drivere. "It's a Clear Channel station and we thought that would never happen for us."

Could other pleasant surprises be in store for the band? It will start finding out Friday, when the album "All For Nothing" is released on the band's own label, Majestic Records.

Founded by Drivere and bassist and singer John Hlumyk in West Middlesex, the band started as a punk rock outfit but, as members and times changed, it moved into being a straight-ahead rock band with a wide range of influences.

Drivere retired the name in 1996, but arguably the most popular lineup -- Drivere, Hlumyk, guitarist and singer Dave Lisko and drummer and singer John Koury -- decided to reform about two years ago.

Few people knew about it until the band played a show in May 2002.

The band has been working on finishing "All For Nothing" since then, and will mark its release with a concert Friday at Cedar's, Youngstown.

The album is a mix of old and new songs, with "Steal Your Heart Away," "Anything & Everything" and "North Water Avenue" -- which takes its title from the street that runs through Sharon and Hermitage -- going back to the '80s and early '90s.

"North Water Avenue," written by Koury in 1985, was recorded for possible inclusion on an album years ago, but the band found reasons not to release it.

"We always thought it was a good song but in demo form we always thought we did it incorrectly," Drivere explained.

For the new album, it was toned down with more reliance on acoustic guitar.

"It's a very nice departure from things we've done before," Drivere said.

Of the new songs, Hlumyk's "Already Know" recaptures the fast-tempo spitters that are the live hallmark of the band.

"One Step Back," a mid-tempo Drivere tune, reflects a certain maturity that Drivere said brought the band back together. The protagonist in the reflective tune finds that he understands certain things he didn't in the past, and has come to accept the changes brought on by the passage of time.

"I don't want nothing but the sun in my rear view mirror," he sings.

Drivere said he thinks "All For Nothing," recorded at Drivere's Ampreon Recorder studio in Youngstown, is the band's best work.

"In terms of capturing a mood, yes, I think it is," he said. "I think it's our most unsophomoric sounding album."

The band members play and write "smarter" than they ever have, Drivere said.

"Lyrically, it's become better," he said. "There's more living that's happened, more insight; less nonsense in the lyrics."

But old fans will be able to find something to latch onto in the new songs, he said.

"What remains is a lot of the energy that people expected -- in a scary way."

That head-swinging, neighbor-bumping, wild-jumping energy will be on display in a sort of tour with stops in Akron, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh and New York. College radio airplay will figure heavily in the destinations.

Although the musicians have other jobs, "I'm sure we'll work it most of the way out," Drivere said of the tour. "We're all, at least in theory, committed to promoting this CD."

Following Friday's show, the band will play sparingly in this area.

"We would like to retain playing here being more of an event rather than, 'Well, I just saw them three weeks ago,' " said Drivere, who has a solo project called Pete Drivere and the Pretty Demons.

Although it's tough to be an original band in this area, Drivere said the Infidels plan to keep at it.

"Right now, the talk is, I think, we will go ahead and keep doing stuff as long as everyone in the band is interested in doing it. Our purpose is to make music we enjoy and put it out. Hopefully, people will enjoy it."



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