The Herald, Sharon, PA Published Saturday, September 20, 2003

Police warn of eBay-like scam on Net

By Jeff Greenburg
Herald Staff Writer

When is eBay not eBay? When someone sends you an e-mail that seems to be from the online auction service but it's really from a con artist who wants to steal your identity and your money.

In a nutshell, that's one of the scams occurring lately on the Internet. E-mails from cyberthieves ask for personal and banking information from unsuspecting victims, according to the Pennsylvania State Police and the Area IV Computer Crimes Task Force.

A trooper with the state police barracks in Mercer said Thursday there have been no reports of local residents being hooked, but trooper Robert J. Pearson, a member of the task force based in Meadville, said he knows of some in Crawford County who took the bait.

"I've had at least four in the last three days get the solicitation," he added, noting police also had reports from two more people who were solicited prior to this week's news release being issued.

In describing the scam, Pearson said a user of the eBay auction service receives an e-mail that appears as if it's from eBay. The message threatens cancellation of the user's eBay account unless he or she visits the listed hyperlink. The Web site then requests personal information, including Social Security numbers and banking information.

eBay graphics and logos are used, making the scam more believable, Pearson said, but the site isn't affiliated with eBay and people shouldn't enter any information on the site. eBay does not request personal or financial information via e-mail.

Pearson said if anyone has submitted information, they could be a victim of identity theft and should visit the Web site to get information on how to protect themselves.

Pearson noted one of the Crawford County victims reported they had gone to the site and followed the recommended steps, including notifying their bank and canceling all of their credit cards.

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